Bulk User creation in Active Directory is made easy with the VBScript given here. Thousands of users can be created at the click of a button. Lets go step by step creating this script. Open notepad and save it by typing “create-users.vbs” INCLUDING the double quotes. This will create a file with a .vbs extension instead of .txt. Then type the following code.
set objCON = GetObject("LDAP://CN=Users, DC=example, DC=net")
Set objUser = objCON.Create("user","CN=User1")
objUser.Put "sAMAccountName", "user1"
This will create an user with name “User 1” and login name “user1” in the active directory domain example.net in the Users container. By default the user account will be disabled to create account and enable them using the script itself add the following code to the end of the code aboveContinue Reading…