Banner screens provide a lot of important and warm welcome messages, but they also expose the system to a number of threats by displaying the exact version number. In Linux by default after your system starts when you come to the terminal you may see a screen like this

You can customize this banner according to your liking to add a personalized message or to make it more informative.
The banner message is located in the file /etc/issue before editing it, it is always wise to take a backup
cp /etc/issue{,.bak}
will make a copy of the file with the name issue.bak. Open the file and edit it to your heart’s content. Some of the switches are specified here
\r - Displays the kernel's version e.g. 2.6.32-71.el6.i686
\m - Displays the machine's hardware name e.g. i686
\d - Displays the current system date in YYYY-MM-DD format e.g. 2011-04-29
\t - Displays the current system time e.g 21:45:30
\n - Displays the hostname of the system
\l - Displays the current terminal number e.g. tty2
I’ve done some tweaking to my Linux login banner take a look at it.

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