Google Apps is a service provided by Google using which you can create an email account with your own domain name. The advantage is the email service is powered by GMail which gives you features like 8GB inbox and the ability to chat with other GMail fellow mates. Whats more all other services provided by Google are also available for your domain. Take Google Docs for example, using Gogole Apps you can share documents within the users of your domain. On the free version of Google Apps you can create upto 50 users. In this tutorial I’ll show you how to setup Google Apps for your domain. For setting up Windows Live Domains see that article.Continue Reading…
Setup Linux DNS Server for Windows Active Directory
Setup Linux BIND DNS server to work with Windows Active Directory. All you need to do is to allow updates from the active directory domain subnet and you’re good to go. Since this article involves more of Linux than Windows I’ve placed this article in the category Linux. First install a Windows Server OS and a Linux distribution, any Linux flavour will do. Install BIND DNS on the Linux server and do the necessary basic configurations.Continue Reading…