Errors and warnings are usually informative and important, they provide use with want problems are bugging our systems. But some warnings are outright irritating and one such warning is the balloon displayed at the system tray stating “You are running out of disk space on [drive]. To free space on this drive by deleting old or unnecessary files, click here“. “I know I’m running out of space” you scream but your cries are not heard by your computer. Even if you click that balloon message Windows Disk Cleanup opens showing up Temporary files, Cached Thumbnails and other stuff which might probably reduce a few MBs of space. Even if you don’t need more space on that drive you’ll be seeing it now and then. But disabling it is just a matter of tweaking the windows registry. Pull up your sleeves and continue readingThis method involves editing registry values so proceed with caution and read each and every line carefully. Make sure you backup the windows registry before proceeding.
Backing up the windows registry
Go to start -> Run or hit [windows key] + R, type regedit the registry editor opens up. Go to the File menu -> Export select a safe location and enter a file name. Enter a meaningful name so that you know before what change you save the registry. Your entire registry will be saved as filename.reg If you want to restore it go to File menu -> Import and select that file location.
Disable Low Disk Space Warning
After the backup portion done while inside the registry navigate to the following path
Right click on the white space on the right go to new -> Create DWORD Value and enter the name as NoLowDiskSpaceChecks Please take note of the case used (upper case and lower case). If a DWORD by the name already exists don’t try to create a new one. Double click it and enter the value as 1 to disable low disk space alerts and 0 to enable low disk space alerts.
Restart your computer for the changes to take place.
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